Lesson 15
In which you perceive the melancholy
of constant travelling
00:00 - intro
00:34 - review of PRESENT for ALL GROUPs
►►►He gets up early every day - הוא קם מוקדם בבוקר כל יום
►►►He doesn't want to get up early in the morning every day - הוא לא
►►►רוצה לקום מוקדם בבוקר כל יום
►►►What do you do today? - מה אתה עושה היום?
►►►What do you like to do? - מה אתה אוהב לעשות?
►►►I like learning (to learn) Hebrew - אני אוהבת ללמוד עברית
►►►I am learning to sing - אני לומדת לשיר
►►►She is working (works) at home - היא עובדת בבית
►►►She likes to work at home - היא אוהבת לעבוד בבית
►►►I do not eat tuna fish - אני לא אוכלת טונה
►►►I cannot eat tuna fish - אני לא יכולה לאכול טונה
►►►I go to a park now - אני הולכת לפארק עכשיו
►►►I don't want to go there –אני לא רוצה ללכת לשם
►►►I talk with my mom every day – אני מדברת עם אמא שלי כל יום
►►►It's important to talk to the mother – חשוב לדבר עם אמא
►►►I begin to understand – אני מתחילה להבין
►►►When do you want to begin working (to work) מתי את / אתה רוצה
►►►להתחיל לעבוד? -
►►►I hope (that) it's easy – אני מקווה שזה קל
08:40 - next - PAST AND FUTURE for I, II and VI
►►►and some words in praise of practice and exposure
11:15 - Review of PAST and FUTURE for GROUPS III, IV and V
►►►I wrote an email – כתבתי אימייל
►►►I will ask my friend – אשאל את החבר שלי
►►►We will study music – נלמד מוזיקה
►►►When will we study music? We will study music this year ("the ►►►year") מתי נלמד מוזיקה? נלמד מוזיקה השנה
►►►I asked for something – ביקשתי משהו
►►►We will play chess today – נשחק שחמט היום
►►►I will not play chess today because I don't know how to play ►►►chess -לא אשחק שחמט היום כי אני לא יודעת לשחק שחמט -
►►►I started watching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" yesterday –
►►►התחלתי לראות את באפי אתמול
►►►I will begin reading (to read) this book - אתחיל לקרוא את הספר
►►►It's an interesting book, but I don't have time now - זה ספר מעניין,
►►► אבל אין לי זמן עכשיו
15:52 - missing GROUPS – I, II and VI
16:06 - PAST and FUTURE for GROUP I
►►►I (have) lived – GARTI – גרתי
►►►We lived – GARNU – גרנו
►►►I will live – AGUR – אגור
►►►We will live – NAGUR – נגור
►►►We will stand up early today – נקום מוקדם היום
►►►We didn't come for playing – לא באנו בשביל לשחק
►►►We came to work - באנו בשביל לעבוד
19:25 - PAST for GROUP II (the group with the "hey"!)
►►►In the PAST tense, this "hey" will turn into another weak letter – ►►►into "yod"!
►►►So, the past sounds like – [__A__I]
►►►I drank – SHATITI - שתיתי
►►►We drank – SHATINU – שתינו
►►►We wanted – RATZINU – רצינו
►►►I wanted – RATZITI - רציתי
►►►I didn't want to say it - LO RATZITI LEHAGID ET ZE – לא רציתי
►►►להגיד את זה
21:50 - looking at GROUP II and VI together
►►►What do they have in common? Right, the "nasty hey"
►►►Sounds like [__I__I]
►►►I hoped – KIVITI - קיוויתי
►►►We hoped – KIVINU - קיווינו
►►►I changed – SHINITI – שיניתי
►►►I tried – NISITI – ניסיתי
25:25 - FUTURE for GROUP II
►►►Here, the "nasty hey" remains intact!
►►►SO, it sounds like [E__ __ E]
►►►I will drink – ESHTE - אשתה
►►►We will drink – NISHTE – נשתה
►►►We will not drink much - לא נשתה הרבה
►►►We will want to help -נרצה לעזור
27:11 - FUTURE for GROUP VI
►►►Sounds like [A__A__E]
►►►I will hope - אקווה
►►►We will hope - נקווה
►►►We will hope for the best – NEKAVE LETOV - נקווה לטוב
►►►I will change the question – ASHANE ET HASHEELA – אשנה את
►►► השאלה
29:30 - DOUBLED TIME PERIODS for FEM. words.
►►►I changed the question twice - SHINITI ET HASHEELA
►►►PAAMAYIM - שיניתי את השאלה פעמיים
►►►"I hoped to work only for two hours"… we know how to say "I ►►►hoped", but how do we say "two hours"?!
►►►"hour" – SHAA – שעה
►►►How do we add an "ayim" double ending to it?
►►►The "hey" definitely will want to run away :)
►►►So – it will be substituted, letter
ת will take its place!
►►►2 hours – SHAATAYIM - שעתיים
►►►KIVITI LAAVOD RAK SHAATAYIM – קיוויתי לעבוד רק שעתיים
►►►By the same token – year – SHANA - שנה
►►►2 years – SHNATAYIM - שנתיים
►►►I worked in Hi-Teck (for) two yearsעבדתי בהיי-טק שנתיים -

In this lesson there are 2 videos! Why? We have a very special verb that deserves a solo performance - find out what this verb is!
00:00 - special video about a special verb – verb without a ►►►present tense!
►►►Which verb is it?
►►►The verb "TO BE"! – LIHYOT – להיות
01:00 - *don't confuse it with the verb "to live" – LIKHYOT –
01:20 - which group does it belong to? GROUP II !
03:08 - PAST for אני and אנחנו
►►►Let's compare with another verb from this group
►►►I drank – SHATITI - שתיתי
►►►We drank – SHATINU - שתינו
►►►I was – HAYITI -הייתי
►►►We were – HAYINU -היינו

04:28 - FUTURE for אני and אנחנו
►►►Comparing to our "anchor verb"
►►►I will drink – ESHTE - אשתה
►►►We will drink – NISHTE – נשתה
04:53 - I will be – EHYE – אהיה
►►►I will be at home tomorrow - אהיה בבית מחר
►►►Sorry, I was busy סליחה, הייתי עסוקה
►►►היינו חברים
05:20 - We will be – NIHYE – נהיה
►►►We will be happy – NIHYE SMEKHIM – נהיה שמחים
►►►We will be the best – NIHYE HAKHI TOVIM - נהיה הכי
06:10 - this is it :)
And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
Summary of Lesson 15 - Grammar
To go to the next/previous page - click on the grey dot above
Summary of Lesson 15 - The verb "to be" (1 out of 2)
To go to the next/previous page - click on the grey dot above
Summary of Lesson 15 - The verb "to be" (2 out of 2)
Yes, it's the only handwritten page at the whole course! Enjoy it! :)
Summary of Lesson 15 - More on dual number
To go to the next/previous page - click on the grey dot above
Summary of Lesson 15 - Grammar
To go to the next/previous page - click on the grey dot above
8 new words only this time
Why so few? Actually, I wanted to skip new words this time,
but I thought it would be nice to leave you with a round number of words. FYI: it's exactly 260 now.
לפגוש פוגש פוגשת to meet עוגה cake שנה year שנים years שנתיים two years פתאום suddenly שנינו both of us שעה hour שעתיים two hours כבר already

New words for this lesson
Learn, study, bone them up!
Did you miss the lessons
with only one Reading page? :)
If you want more practice -
try back translations.

There is a secret place,
where you can meet other Hebrew-learners
and even participate in a simple conversation!

I mean "Sunday Chat Hebrew" - check it out:
This place was built and is managed by the same people
who've brought you this Hebrew Crash Course.
Yevgeniy Zingerman
The technical creator of this website
Before you start
the Practice section...
... make sure you remember the verb forms!

A multi-choice quiz-game is exactly what you need for that purpose!

It reviews the past and the future tense forms for אני and אנחנו.

Click on the button or on the screenshot below.
And NOW -
to the familiar Practice section!

This time we're doing it only from Hebrew to English.
I repeat: from Hebrew. To English.
Practice Section Aid
Look at all the words without the translations.
Do you remember them?
Make sure you do - you will need them!
From Hebrew. To English.
Now, when you know past and future for "אני" and "אנחנו", let's have some fun practice!

Here is another book to add to your flipbook series!

As in the previous ones, it's vocabulary is not limited to the vocabulary of the course, you'll need to look words up! But the grammar - the grammar you will understand for sure!
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Done with this lesson? Click here to get a bonus!
Do you hear a familiar verb
in the future tense of אני in this song?
... the song of Pippi Longstocking (with subtitles).

BTW, the lyrics are here.

And... why do you think her name was changed in Hebrew to Bilbi?

Not too many words for this lesson! Do you want to learn more?

If you feel like you may need a broader vocabulary to express yourself freely sooner (which is true! because our lego-like course has the absolute minimum of words!) you would like to familiarize yourself with this additional vocab for curious. It will not be included in the course exercises, but you will definitely need these words out there when you start using the language!
And here is another Fast Forward video -
in which I cover all we are going to learn in lessons 16-20!
- "me" VS "with me"
- "smikhut" - what is it?
- past and future - the rest
- how to say "I would like"

I'd be happy to know if these fast forward videos have been helpful for you. :)
How do you like the course so far?