* TIP: Open this video on YouTube!
If you click there on "show more" you'll see same contents as here below, but the times (time stamps) will be clickable! (i.e., if you click there on 03:30 it will take you straight to this place in the video!)
00:00 - review
01:15 - "the good student" (En.) -> "THE good THE student"(Heb)
02:30 - "in a" - BE- ; "in the" - BE+HA=BA-
05:00 - he - HU
06:30 - why? - LAMA?
07:35 - today - "the day" - HA-YOM
08:25 - she - HI
09:50 - first verbs (
►►► live(s) - GAR\A\IM\OT
13:52 - fem.\masc. ending exception # 2 - numbers
►►► six (6) - SHESH (f.) SHISHA (m.)
17:15 - the verb "sing(s)" - SHAR\A\IM\OT
18:55 - ten (10) - ESER (f.) ASARA (m.)
20:00 - number - MISPAR - and about the default gender of
►►► numbers (when we count nothing, just name the
►►► number) - feminine!
21:20 - the verb "get(s) up" - KAM\A\IM\OT
21:37 - at+time = in+time (at six = "in six" (Heb.) = BE-SHESH)
21:15 - every - KOL (every day - KOL YOM)
22:35 - the verb "run(s)" - RATS\A\IM\OT
23:32 - all - KOL HA- (all day - KOL HA-YOM)
24:50 - tired - AYEF\A
25:32 - because - KI
26:58 - "to a" - LE-
28:00 -
alphabet, the 3d part -
א ו ז מ-ם נ-ן ע
32:30 - reading together
33:30 - moment, one sec, - REGA