Lesson 3
In which you contemplate over
the need to get up in the morning
Lesson 3
In which you
contemplate over the need
to get up in the morning
* TIP: Open this video on YouTube!
If you click there
on "show more" you'll see same contents as here below, but the times (time stamps) will be clickable! (i.e., if you click there on 03:30 it will take you straight to this place in the video!)

00:00 - review
01:15 - "the good student" (En.) -> "THE good THE student"(Heb)
02:30 - "in a" - BE- ; "in the" - BE+HA=BA-
05:00 - he - HU
06:30 - why? - LAMA?
07:35 - today - "the day" - HA-YOM
08:25 - she - HI
09:50 - first verbs (GROUP I)
►►► live(s) - GAR\A\IM\OT
13:52 - fem.\masc. ending exception # 2 - numbers
►►► six (6) - SHESH (f.) SHISHA (m.)
17:15 - the verb "sing(s)" - SHAR\A\IM\OT
18:55 - ten (10) - ESER (f.) ASARA (m.)
20:00 - number - MISPAR - and about the default gender of ►►► numbers (when we count nothing, just name the
►►► number) - feminine!
21:20 - the verb "get(s) up" - KAM\A\IM\OT
21:37 - at+time = in+time (at six = "in six" (Heb.) = BE-SHESH)
21:15 - every - KOL (every day - KOL YOM)
22:35 - the verb "run(s)" - RATS\A\IM\OT
23:32 - all - KOL HA- (all day - KOL HA-YOM)
24:50 - tired - AYEF\A
25:32 - because - KI
26:58 - "to a" - LE-
28:00 - alphabet, the 3d part - א ו ז מ-ם נ-ן ע
32:30 - reading together
33:30 - moment, one sec, - REGA
* TIP: Open this video on YouTube!
If you click there
on "show more" you'll see same contents as here below, but the times (time stamps) will be clickable! (i.e., if you click there on 03:30 it will take you straight to this place in the video!)

00:00 - review
01:15 - "the good student" (En.) -> "THE good THE student"(Heb)
02:30 - "in a" - BE- ; "in the" - BE+HA=BA-
05:00 - he - HU
06:30 - why? - LAMA?
07:35 - today - "the day" - HA-YOM
08:25 - she - HI
09:50 - first verbs (GROUP I) live(s) - GAR\A\IM\OT
13:52 - fem.\masc. ending exception # 2 - numbers six (6) - SHESH (f.) SHISHA (m.)
17:15 - the verb "sing(s)" - SHAR\A\IM\OT
18:55 - ten (10) - ESER (f.) ASARA (m.)
20:00 - number - MISPAR - and about the default gender of numbers (when we count nothing, just name the number) - feminine!
21:20 - the verb "get(s) up" - KAM\A\IM\OT
21:37 - at+time = in+time (at six = "in six" (Heb.) = BE-SHESH)
21:15 - every - KOL (every day - KOL YOM)
22:35 - the verb "run(s)" - RATS\A\IM\OT
23:32 - all - KOL HA- (all day - KOL HA-YOM)
24:50 - tired - AYEF\A
25:32 - because - KI
26:58 - "to a" - LE-
28:00 - alphabet, the 3d part - א ו ז מ-ם נ-ן ע
32:30 - reading together
33:30 - moment, one sec, - REGA
And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
And here is the summary of the lesson

- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up,
review and recollection

And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
65 words and counting!
שר sings shara גר lives gara קם stands up wakes up kama rats runs ratsa בקר morning rekhov street emet truth shir song yom day hayom today sameakh happy ayef tired עסוק busy מקדם early lama why ki because hu he hi she כל every all גם also אבל but כאן here shisha שש 6 asara עשר 10 מספר number shaa hour רגע moment

Word learning game
The same old Memrise, different lesson
(it's already number 3!)
Word learning game

The same old Memrise, different lesson
(it's already number 3!)

Word learning game
The same old Memrise, different lesson
(it's already number 3!)
You know 16 letters out of 22!
One more lesson to go -
and you'll know them all!

And now - let's read!

Look at the middle of the white page:
below the two lines, for the first time,
you will read not just words, but a text!
You know 16 letters out of 22!
One more lesson to go -
and you'll know them all!

And now - let's read!

Look at the middle of the white page:
below the two lines, for the first time,
you will read not just words, but a text!
Make sure you've read these words correctly - listen to the recording below!

(Didn't read it out loud? please do!)

Alisa Zingerman
Your Hebrew guide
You know and understand so much already!
So I couldn't resist to add an extra reading page for you.
This time - still in the Latin letters, because we have one more lesson yet to go until we can read any text - all in Hebrew.
You know and understand so much already!

So I couldn't resist to add an extra reading page for you.

This time - still in the Latin letters, because we have one more lesson yet to go until we can read any text - all in Hebrew.
Now, let's practice what we know!

As in the previous lesson, type in the Hebrew translations of the following sentences, then press "Send" - you will receive a copy of your answers to your email.

There is nothing but what we've learnt so far - I promise!

Alisa Zingerman
Your Hebrew guide
Practice Section Aid
Look at all the words without the translations.
Do you remember them?
Make sure you do - you will need them!
How do you like the course so far?