Lesson 8
In which you understand
what everybody wants
* TIP: If you open the video on YouTube, these timestamps can be found at the Description section, and they are interactive there (you click on it and the video jumps to this time).

00:00 - review
00:45 - when? #1 (question "when") - מתי?
01:49 - when #2 (answer "when", relative "when") -כש
05:10 - can - יכול\ה - YAHOL \ YAKHOLA & practice
10:25 - of - של
11:40 - too (much) - מדי (MIDAY)
16:24 - body parts - double plural, fem.!
►►► eyes - עיניים , ears - אוזניים, hands - ידיים, legs - רגליים
►►► big eyes - עיניים גדולות
18:01 - verb GROUPS I-II, review
20:00 - infinitive form for GROUP II
►►► drink(s) - to drink - שותה - לשתות
24:22 - want(s) - to want - רוצה - לרצות
25:15 - see(s) - to see - רואה - לראות
26:45 - do(es) - to do - עושה - לעשות - LAASOT
*the guttural letter "ayin" influences the way "L" is vocalized, making it "LA" instead of "LI"
30:15 - the verb "to be" - להיות - LIHYOT
* TIP: If you open the video on YouTube, these timestamps can be found at the Description section, and they are interactive there (you click on it and the video jumps to this time).

00:00 - review
00:45 - when? #1 (question "when") - מתי?
01:49 - when #2 (answer "when", relative "when") -כש
05:10 - can - יכול\ה - YAHOL \ YAKHOLA & practice
10:25 - of - של
11:40 - too (much) - מדי (MIDAY)
16:24 - body parts - double plural, fem.!: eyes - עיניים , ears - אוזניים, hands - ידיים, legs - רגליים, big eyes - עיניים גדולות
18:01 - verb GROUPS I-II, review
20:00 - infinitive form for GROUP II: drink(s) - to drink - שותה - לשתות
24:22 - want(s) - to want - רוצה - לרצות
25:15 - see(s) - to see - רואה - לראות
26:45 - do(es) - to do - עושה - לעשות - LAASOT
*the guttural letter "ayin" influences the way "L" is vocalized, making it "LA" instead of "LI"
30:15 - the verb "to be" - להיות - LIHYOT
And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
And here is the summary of the lesson

- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up,
review and recollection

And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
Now we know the present tense and the infinitive for both GROUP I and II
How do we learn to switch between them easily?
Click here and practice!

150 words
That's what you know now!
It's half of 300 and almost 1/3 of 500.
And you already use them to the full extent!
של of יכול can להיות to be חכם smart clever עשיר rich מדי too כוכב star אישה woman מישהו someone משהו something כל אחד every one everyone מחר tomorrow אם if אז then עם with עיניים eyes אוזניים ears רגליים legs ידיים hands

Hamster with a shovel
Just wanted to make sure you actually read what I write.
Hamster with a shovel

Just wanted to make sure you actually read what I write.
Hamster with a shovel
Just wanted to make sure you actually read what I write.
Your Reading section for today is a song!

Now, will you read it or sing it?
Maybe, both?
Your Reading section for today is a song!

Now, will you read it or sing it?
Maybe, both?

Arik Einstein
"The voice of Israel" (Wikipedia)
Hope you
my song!

Arik Einstein
"The voice of Israel" (Wikipedia)
Hope you
my song!
Reading page 1 out of 2
Reading page 2 out of 2
You know what's coming now, don't you?

It's the Listening section!

From now on -
in every single lesson,
just before the Practice section!
Yevgeniy Zingerman
The technical creator of this website
You know what's coming now, don't you?

It's the Listening section!

From now on -
in every single lesson,
just before the Practice section!
Yevgeniy Zingerman
The technical creator of this website
And NOW -
to the familiar Practice section!
And NOW -
to the familiar Practice section!
Practice Section Aid
Look at all the words without the translations.
Do you remember them?
Make sure you do - you will need them!
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Done with this lesson? Click here to get a bonus!
Click here to get a bonus!
External Links
Play games to enrich your vocabulary!
Excellent site with many word games - by themes!

And this site is also very nice:

Learning new words is fun,
so don't forget to enrich your vocabulary independently
along with this course!
Excellent site with many word games -
by themes!


And this site is also very nice:

Learning new words is fun, so don't forget to enrich your vocabulary independently along with this course!
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