Lesson 10
In which you try to communicate
with a bureaucrat
* TIP: If you open the video on YouTube, these timestamps can be found at the Description section, and they are interactive there (you click on it and the video jumps to this time).

00:00 - warm-up :)
01:36 - so much, so many - כל כך הרבה
02:56 - review
04:34 - about - על
►►► I don't want to think about it - אני לא רוצה לחשוב על זה
04:54 - more review
06:48 - GROUP III (d) - verbs with root ending with a guttural ►►► ("ain" or "khet")
►►► hear(s) - to hear - שומע \ שומעת - לשמוע -
07:50 - go(es) - to go (in a vehicle) - נוסע \ נוסעת - לנסוע -
08:10 - open(s) - to open- פותח \ פותחת - לפתוח -
10:00 - practice
12:48 - GROUP III (e) verbs - verbs with a "weak letter" as the ►►► first one in the root
13:42 - sit(s) - to sit - יושב \ יושבת - לשבת -
16:15 - know(s) - to know - יודע \ יודעת - לדעת -
17:55 - nothing - שום דבר
►►► He wants to hear nothing - "He doesn't want to hear ►►► nothing" - הוא לא רוצה לשמוע שום דבר
►►► She knows nothing - "She doesn't know
►►► nothing" - היא לא יודעת שום דבר
21:24 - go(es) - to go (by feet) - הולך \ הולכת - ללכת -
24:13 - definite article "ה-" in compound nouns (that consist of ►►► two words) is placed before the second word
26:03 - my = "of+I" - של+אני= שלי
27:11 - ours = "of+we" - של+אנחנו=שלנו
28:17 - yours (sing.) = "of+you (sing.)" - של+את\ה=שלך -
29:00 - his = "of+he" - של+הוא=לו - SHELO
►►► hers = "of+she" - של+היא=שלה - SHELA
29:40 - practice
30:56 - GROUP III (f) and an annoying Skype call :P
►►► say \ says - אומר \ אומרת
32:28 - what does it mean? =
►►► "what does this (f.) say?" - מה זאת אומרת?
33:04 - about the infinitive of "to say"
* TIP: If you open the video on YouTube, these timestamps can be found at the Description section, and they are interactive there (you click on it and the video jumps to this time).

00:00 - warm-up :)
01:36 - so much, so many - כל כך הרבה
02:56 - review
04:34 - about - על: I don't want to think about it - אני לא רוצה לחשוב על זה
04:54 - more review
06:48 - GROUP III (d) - verbs with root ending with a guttural ("ain" or "khet"): hear(s) - to hear - שומע \ שומעת - לשמוע - SHOMEA \ SHOMAAT - LISHMOA
07:50 - go(es) - to go (in a vehicle) - נוסע \ נוסעת - לנסוע - NOSEA \ NOSAAT - LINSOA
08:10 - open(s) - to open- פותח \ פותחת - לפתוח - POTEAKH \ POTAKHAT - LIFTOAKH
10:00 - practice
12:48 - GROUP III (e) verbs - verbs with a "weak letter" as the first one in the root
13:42 - sit(s) - to sit - יושב \ יושבת - לשבת - YOSHEV \ YOSHEVET - LASHEVET
16:15 - know(s) - to know - יודע \ יודעת - לדעת - YODEA \ YODAAT - LADAAT
17:55 - nothing - שום דבר: He wants to hear nothing - "He doesn't want to hear nothing" - הוא לא רוצה לשמוע שום דבר, She knows nothing - "She doesn't know nothing" - היא לא יודעת שום דבר
21:24 - go(es) - to go (by feet) - הולך \ הולכת - ללכת - HOLEKH \HOLEKHET - LALEKHET
24:13 - definite article "ה-" in compound nouns (that consist of two words) is placed before the second word
26:03 - my = "of+I" - של+אני= שלי
27:11 - ours = "of+we" - של+אנחנו=שלנו
28:17 - yours (sing.) = "of+you (sing.)" - של+את\ה=שלך - SHELAKH \ SHELKHA
29:00 - his = "of+he" - של+הוא=לו - SHELO, hers = "of+she" - של+היא=שלה - SHELA
29:40 - practice
30:56 - GROUP III (f) (and an annoying Skype call :P) say \ says - אומר \ אומרת
32:28 - what does it mean? = "what does this (f.) say?" - מה זאת אומרת?
33:04 - about the infinitive of "to say"
And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
And here is the summary of the lesson

- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up,
review and recollection

And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
Only 12 new words this time!
בא comes באה עף flies עפה שם puts שמה בעיה problem תמיד always מאוחר late נכון right זמן time אנחנו we שם there -ל to -מ from מאיפה where from לאן to where שבע שבעה 7 תשע תשעה 9 ארבע ארבעה 4
WORDS to learn
Starting the third pile of Memrise cards today!!!
WORDS to learn

Starting the third pile of Memrise cards today!!!
WORDS to learn
Starting the third pile of Memrise cards today!!!
The amount of verbs has gone somewhat out of proportion in the last two lessons, hasn't it?... But that's for a reason! First of all, now we are dealing with the biggest verb group out there. And the second reason is that the verbs are at the heart of any language, and for Hebrew, a root-based Semitic language, even more so.

To help you manage the collection that may have started being confusing, in addition to the Blackboard Flipping Stickers Game I made an additional Memrise deck for you - targeted solely at present/infinitive verb review! See the link below :)

Besides, I hope you remember to back up your growing vocabulary with words from random sources - and if you haven't started doing it - now is high time to do so! Curiosity is crucial for language-learning. :)
Alisa Zingerman
Your Hebrew guide
So, from now on you have TWO Memrise decks for each lesson: the first one teaches you new words, while the second one trains you to match the present tense to the infinitive form.

You already know the things you find there - it's just some practice that will help you remember it even better.

So, from now on you have TWO Memrise decks for each lesson: the first one teaches you new words, while the second one trains you to match the present tense to the infinitive form.

You already know the things you find there - it's just some practice that will help you remember it even better.

So, from now on you have TWO Memrise decks for each lesson: the first one teaches you new words, while the second one trains you to match the present tense to the infinitive form.

You already know the things you find there - it's just some practice that will help you remember it even better.

And here is the second part of Blackboard Flipping Stickers


And here is the second part of Blackboard Flipping Stickers


Have you realised yet
that the lesson titles usually hint
to the contents of the Reading section?
Have you realised yet that the lesson titles usually hint to the contents of the Reading section?
Reading page 1 out of 2
Reading page 2 out of 2
If you want more practice -
try back translations.
And NOW - to the familiar
Practice section!

And NOW -
to the familiar Practice section!
Practice Section Aid
Look at all the words without the translations.
Do you remember them?
Make sure you do - you will need them!
Great! You did it! You are half way through the course and nearly half way through your verb-learning challenge (2 out of 5 verb-centered lesson are behind you!)

Don't rush to the next lesson!

Now is the time to get used to what you've learnt, to get more exposure! Take a week (or two, or three, or as long as you need!) to look again through the bonus sections materials we had so far (listen to the songs, play games, watch Gurevich family series from this lessons' bonus section, etc.)

And of course – read!

Apropos of reading - have you been looking forward to the second part of "Guess the movie" flip book? Here it comes!
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Done with this lesson? Click here to get a bonus!
Click here to get a bonus!
External Links
Video series for learning Hebrew
Old video series for learning Hebrew
good for reviewing what we've learnt,
plus hearing some vocab we didn't mention so far.
It is called
"Hevenu Shalom Aleikhem"

After episode 6 there is some grammar that we didn't cover yet,
so I recommend you to stop watching after episode 6,
and I'll tell you when to come back to viewing this series again.

It has a version with Russian translations inserted, here:

Version without Russian I have found here,
but it has no English in any case,
and the uploading is confusing...
Old video series for learning Hebrew
good for reviewing what we've learnt,
plus hearing vocab we didn't mention so far.
It is called
"Hevenu Shalom Aleikhem"

After episode 6 there is some grammar that we didn't cover yet, so I recommend you to stop watching after episode 6, and I'll tell you when to come back to viewing this series again.

It has a version with Russian translations inserted, here.

Version without Russian I have found here,
but it has no English in any case,
and the uploading is confusing...
And here is a special treat for you - a "fast forward video"!
What is it and why? Well, watch it and you'll know :)
And here is a special treat for you -
a "fast forward video"!

What is it and why?
Well, watch it and you'll know :)
Fast Forward Lessons 11-15
Fast Forward Lessons 11-15
How do you like the course so far?