Lesson 12
In which you notice the strange similarity
between mothers and husbands
Lesson 12
In which you notice the strange similarity between mothers and husbands
* TIP: If you open the video on YouTube, these timestamps can be found at the Description section, and they are interactive there (you click on it and the video jumps to this time).

00:00 - review (past and future)
06:50 - review of groups I-III
10:54 - new group – GROUP IV
►►►Present: it's main features: מ... / מ...ת
►►►(masc. ending – zero, fem. ending - ..ET, but, unlike group ►►►III, it has a prefix - ME…!)
14:00 - infinitive of GROUP IV – simple! :)
►►►Present – MEDABER (מדבר), infinitive – LEDABER! (לדבר) ►►►– to talk, to speak
►►►לטייל LETAYEL – to travel, to walk
►►►לבקש LEVAKESH – to ask for
►►►לשחק LESAKHEK – to play (games)
15:50 - difference between שואל and מבקש:
►►►SHOEL – ask a question
►►►MEVAKESH – ask for something ("for" is as if already ►►►there, built-in, so to say)
16:53 - "ask for a favor" – LEVAKESH TOVA – לבקש טובה
17:40 - לטייל - travel, walk (for pleasure)
►►►אני רוצה לטייל בעולם - I want to travel the world
►►►זה טוב לטייל בעולם - It's good to travel the world
►►►כל אחד רוצה לטייל בעולם – everyone wants to travel the
18:30 - לשחק – to play (general, games, etc. – not music!)
►►►אתה לא יכול לשחק כל היום – you cannot play all day
19:20 - "possible" – EFSHAR – אפשר
►►►used for asking a permission, ~ "May I?"
►►►אפשר לאכול את זה? - May I eat it?
21:10 - impossible, ~ "one can't" – אי אפשר
►►►[strange negative prefixes collection ;) – אף אחד, שום דבר,
►►►אי אפשר]
22:44 - It's* impossible to read here – אי אפשר לקרוא פה
►►►*note: we are not saying "it's" in this case!
►►►It's impossible to study\learn here! אי אפשר ללמוד פה
►►►like this\that - ככה
►►►It's impossible to work like that - אי אפשר לעבוד ככה
►►►It's difficult to hear - קשה לשמוע
►►►I am cold = "it's cold to me" - חם לי
►►►It's impossible to know - אי אפשר לדעת
24:30 - לדבר
►►►אני רוצה לדבר עברית
25:06 - הוא יכול לדבר עם אמא מחר
26:10 - difference between
►►►אומר\ת – "say", one utterance, one speaker is involved
►►►מדבר\ת – "speak", implies a reply, a dialogue
►►►What are you saying? מה אתה אומר?
►►►What are you talking about? על מה אתה מדבר?
28:05 - לספר – מספר / מספרת LESAPER – MESAPER /
►►►to tell (more like a story)
►►►Can you tell me what's happening?אתה יכול לספר לי מה
►►► קורה?
29:55 - FUTURE for GROUP IV
►►►LESAPER -> ASAPER לספר -> אספר
►►►LETAYEL -> ATAYEL לטייל -> אטייל
31:31 - PAST for GROUP IV
►►►"i" and "a" vowels
►►►LESAPER – SIPARTI לספר -> סיפרתי
►►►LESAKHEK – SIKHAKTI לשחק -> שיחקתי
►►►LEDABER -> DIBARTI לדבר -> דיברתי

* TIP: If you open the video on YouTube, these timestamps can be found at the Description section, and they are interactive there (you click on it and the video jumps to this time).

00:00 - review (past and future)
06:50 - review of groups I-III
10:54 - new group – GROUP IV: Present: it's main features: מ... / מ...ת (masc. ending – zero, fem. ending - ..ET, but, unlike group III, it has a prefix - ME…!)
14:00 - infinitive of GROUP IV – simple! :) Present – MEDABER (מדבר), infinitive – LEDABER! (לדבר) – to talk, to speak, לטייל LETAYEL – to travel, to walk, לבקש LEVAKESH – to ask for, לשחק LESAKHEK – to play (games)
15:50 - difference between שואל and מבקש: SHOEL – ask a question, MEVAKESH – ask for something ("for" is as if already there, built-in, so to say)
16:53 - "ask for a favor" – LEVAKESH TOVA – לבקש טובה
17:40 - לטייל - travel, walk (for pleasure): אני רוצה לטייל בעולם - I want to travel the world, זה טוב לטייל בעולם - It's good to travel the world, כל אחד רוצה לטייל בעולם – everyone wants to travel the world
18:30 - לשחק – to play (general, games, etc. – not music!), אתה לא יכול לשחק כל היום – you cannot play all day
19:20 - "possible" – EFSHAR – אפשר used for asking a permission, ~ "May I?": אפשר לאכול את זה? - May I eat it?
21:10 - impossible, ~ "one can't" – אי אפשר [strange negative prefixes collection ;) – אף אחד, שום דבר, אי אפשר]
22:44 - It's* impossible to read here – אי אפשר לקרוא פה; *note: we are not saying "it's" in this case! It's impossible to study\learn here! אי אפשר ללמוד פה, like this\that - ככה, It's impossible to work like that - אי אפשר לעבוד ככה, It's difficult to hear - קשה לשמוע, I am cold = "it's cold to me" - חם לי, It's impossible to know - אי אפשר לדעת
24:30 - לדבר: אני רוצה לדבר עברית
25:06 - הוא יכול לדבר עם אמא מחר
26:10 - difference between: אומר\ת – "say", one utterance, one speaker is involved, and מדבר\ת – "speak", implies a reply, a dialogue: What are you saying? מה אתה אומר? What are you talking about? על מה אתה מדבר?
28:05 - לספר – מספר / מספרת LESAPER – MESAPER / MESAPERET, to tell (more like a story): can you tell me what's happening?אתה יכול לספר לי מה קורה?
29:55 - FUTURE for GROUP IV: LESAPER -> ASAPER לספר -> אספר, LETAYEL -> ATAYEL לטייל -> אטייל
31:31 - PAST for GROUP IV: "i" and "a" vowels - LESAPER – SIPARTI לספר -> סיפרתי, LESAKHEK – SIKHAKTI לשחק -> שיחקתי, LEDABER -> DIBARTI לדבר -> דיברתי

And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
And here is the summary of the lesson

- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up,
review and recollection

And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
Look how many words you know!
All of them are useful, so just keep going!
משחק plays משחקת מבקש asks מבקשת מדבר speaks talks מדברת מצייר מציר draws מציירת מצירת מטיל מטייל travels מטילת מטיילת מספר tells מספרת בן son בת daughter בן אדם person human being מענין מעניין interesting עשרים twenty אפשר possible אי אפשר אי-אפשר impossible אוכל food תמונה picture חבר חברה friend

Memrise game
I have nothing to add here today.
Keep up the good work!
Memrise game

I have nothing to add here today.
Keep up the good work!

Memrise game
I have nothing to add here today.
Keep up the good work!
The reading today: one monologue, one dialogue, but no trialogue
(I know you wanted, but there is no such thing).
The reading today: one monologue, one dialogue, but no trialogue (I know you wanted, but there is no such thing).
If you want more practice -
try back translations.
Our new verb trainer helps you review the newly acquired group of verbs - group IV. Level 5 is waiting for you!

Our new verb trainer helps you review the newly acquired group of verbs - group IV. Level 5 is waiting for you!
Our new verb trainer helps you review the newly acquired group of verbs - group IV. Level 5 is waiting for you!
And NOW -
to the familiar Practice section!
And NOW -
to the familiar Practice section!
Practice Section Aid
Look at all the words without the translations.
Do you remember them?
Make sure you do - you will need them!
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Done with this lesson? Click here to get a bonus!
Click here to get a bonus!
External Links
Let's play!
Colorful game for beginners -
(go to UlpanAlef)

The games are rather stupid, but there are
3 good things about it:

1.It uses some of the verbs from group IV! (in "the family" section)

2. If you've been missing topic-organized vocab lists - here is some, you can fill in the gaps concerning such word groups as "family", "food", "school", "time" etc.

3. Nice review - it's good to attack a language with different sources!
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