Lesson 9
In which you realise
the true nature of dogs
Prepare for the verb-learning challenge!

In lessons 9-14 (excluding the very special lesson 11!) we are going to put most of our efforts into verb-learning!

On the one hand – finally! Because verbs are freedom, verbs are the heart of the language that give you real power to express yourself. But, on the other hand – they are more challenging to master. However, not as challenging as you might have thought.

Watch the video first and then read my explanation on how to tackle the verbs!

Details and overview chart of the challenge you will find after the Vocabulary Memrise trainer (here).

Prepare for the verb-learning challenge!

In lessons 9-14 (excluding the very special lesson 11!) we are going to put most of our efforts into verb-learning!

On the one hand – finally! Because verbs are freedom, verbs are the heart of the language that give you real power to express yourself. But, on the other hand – they are more challenging to master. However, not as challenging as you might have thought.

Watch the video first and then read my explanation on how to tackle the verbs!

Details and overview chart of the challenge you will find after the Vocabulary Memrise trainer (here).

Prepare for the verb-learning challenge!

In lessons 9-14 (excluding the very special lesson 11!) we are going to put most of our efforts into verb-learning!

On the one hand – finally! Because verbs are freedom, verbs are the heart of the language that give you real power to express yourself. But, on the other hand – they are more challenging to master. However, not as challenging as you might have thought. :)

Watch the video first and then read my explanation on how to tackle the verbs!

Details and overview chart of the challenge you will find after the Vocabulary Memrise trainer (here).
* TIP: If you open the video on YouTube, these timestamps can be found at the Description section, and they are interactive there (you click on it and the video jumps to this time).

00:00 - review
01:54 - infinitive after modal verbs (can, must, etc...)
►►► I can "to" drink it - אני יכול לשתות את זה
04:10 - no one - אף אחד
04:36 - double negation in Hebrew
►►► "No one wants to do it" - "NO one does NOT want to do it" ►►► - אף אחד לא רוצה לעשות את זה
07:00 - hello to GROUP III, review of GROUP I and II
10:50 - GROUP III (a)
►►► he studies - לומד; she studies - לומדת
14:28 - to study - ללמוד - LILMOD
15:44 - ask(s) - to ask - שואל \ שואלת - לשאול
17:09 - read(s) - to read - קורא \ קוראת - לקרוא
18:38 - call(s) - to call (someone, name,
►►► but not phone!) קורא ל- \ קוראת ל- - לקרוא
►►► לקרוא לאמא - to call mom,
►►► לקרוא לכלב פטל - to call (~name) the dog Petel
20:30 - need, have to - צריך \ צריכה
20:05 - question - שאלה
21:51 - my name is ...= ~"(they) call TO me ..."
►►► קוראים לי ...
23:24 - how - איך
►►► What's your name? - "How (do they)
►►► call to you?" - איך קוראים לך?
24:20 - GROUP III (b)
►►► work(s) - to work - עובד \ עובדת - לעבוד -
►►► ("La" instead of "Li" because the root starts with the ►►► guttural "ain" letter!)
26:32 - another verb, which root starts from "ain" -
►►► help(s) - to help - עוזר *ל-* \ עוזרת *ל-* - לעזור
27:42 - and another guttural letter - "khet", so
►►► think(s) - to think - חושב \ חושבת - לחשוב -
29:10 - that - ש- (not the answer "when" - כש-)
►►► I think that I don't have time today אני חושב\ת שאין לי זמן היום
30:15 - GROUP III (c)
►►► like=love - אוהב \ אוהבת - לאהוב
31:57 - eat(s) - to eat - אוכל \ אוכלת - לאכול
33:17 - so (much) - כל כך - KOL KAKH
►►► it is so good! זה כל כך טוב!
* TIP: If you open the video on YouTube, these timestamps can be found at the Description section, and they are interactive there (you click on it and the video jumps to this time).

00:00 - review
01:54 - infinitive after modal verbs (can, must, etc...): I can "to" drink it - אני יכול לשתות את זה
04:10 - no one - אף אחד
04:36 - double negation in Hebrew: "No one wants to do it" - "NO one does NOT want to do it" - אף אחד לא רוצה לעשות את זה
07:00 - hello to GROUP III, review of GROUP I and II
10:50 - GROUP III (a): he studies - לומד; she studies - לומדת
14:28 - to study - ללמוד - LILMOD
15:44 - ask(s) - to ask - שואל \ שואלת - לשאול
17:09 - read(s) - to read - קורא \ קוראת - לקרוא
18:38 - call(s) - to call (someone, name, but not phone!) קורא ל- \ קוראת ל- - לקרוא | לקרוא לאמא - to call mom, לקרוא לכלב פטל - to call (~name) the dog Petel
20:30 - need, have to - צריך \ צריכה
20:05 - question - שאלה
21:51 - my name is ...= ~"(they) call TO me ..." קוראים לי ...
23:24 - how - איך: What's your name? - "How (do they) call to you?" - איך קוראים לך?
24:20 - GROUP III (b): work(s) - to work - עובד \ עובדת - לעבוד - OVED \ OVEDET - LAAVOD ("La" instead of "Li" because the root starts with the guttural "ain" letter!)
26:32 - another verb, which root starts from "ain" - help(s) - to help - עוזר *ל-* \ עוזרת *ל-* - לעזור
27:42 - and another guttural letter - "khet", so: think(s) - to think - חושב \ חושבת - לחשוב - KHOSHEV \KHOSHEVET - LAKHSHOV
29:10 - that - ש- (not the answer "when" - כש-): I think that I don't have time today אני חושב\ת שאין לי זמן היום
30:15 - GROUP III (c): like=love - אוהב \ אוהבת - לאהוב OHEV \ OHEVET - LEEHOV
31:57 - eat(s) - to eat - אוכל \ אוכלת - לאכול OKHEL \ OKHELET - LEEKHOL
33:17 - so (much) - כל כך - KOL KAKH: it is so good! זה כל כך טוב!
And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
And here is the summary of the lesson

- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up,
review and recollection

And here is the summary of the lesson
- if you like infographics more than watching videos, or
- if you use this website just for brush-up, review and recollection
5% more for the same price!
Last lesson you've learnt 20 words,
but this time there are as much as 21!
5% more for the same price!
Last lesson you've learnt 20 words,
but this time there are as much as 21!
Verbs only:
Other words:
שאלה question ספר book דבר thing קצר short אף אחד no one הרבה a lot many איך how ש- that which כל כך so צריך needs has to necessary
For your convenience...
... I've divided the vocabulary for this lesson into 2 levels:
one with verbs (the bigger one),
and the other one - with the rest of the words.

With these two you will be finishing the second pile of Memrise today
(earlier than you would have expected, huh? :P )
For your convenience...

... I've divided the vocabulary for this lesson into 2 levels: one with verbs (the bigger one), and the other one - with the rest of the words.

With these two you will be finishing the second pile of Memrise today (earlier than you would have expected, huh? :P )

For your convenience...
... I've divided the vocabulary for this lesson into 2 levels: one with verbs (the bigger one), and the other one - with the rest of the words.

With these two you will be finishing the second pile of Memrise today (earlier than you would have expected, huh? :P )
So, I promised to help you deal with the 10 verbs we have in this lesson (actually, ten pairs – present tense form and an infinitive form for each verb). Aaah, 10 pairs – it may seem a lot to learn! And 4? Would 4 verbs be too much to learn? Probably, not! The secret is – to spread the learning and the practice across several days!

So, today – can you learn 4 verbs? Sure!
Tomorrow – can you learn 2 verbs? Of course!
The day after tomorrow – can you learn 2 more? No problem!
And the day after that – just 2 more and you are did it!

Here is a simple game to help you


*If you like to see upfront what the verb challenge consists of – here is a chart for you:

LESSON 9 (GROUP III) - 10 verbs
LESSON 10 (GROUP III) - 6+1 verbs
LESSON 11 ---special lesson!--- (no new verbs to learn!)
LESSON 12 (GROUP IV) - 6 verbs
LESSON 13 (GROUP V) - 7+1 verbs
LESSON 14 (GROUP VI) - 3 verbs

So, you see – this lesson has the longest list! Just make sure you learn this one properly – and you know how to tackle the rest!

Back to top
So, I promised to help you deal with the 10 verbs we have in this lesson (actually, ten pairs – present tense form and an infinitive form for each verb). Aaah, 10 pairs – it may seem a lot to learn! And 4? Would 4 verbs be too much to learn? Probably, not! The secret is – to spread the learning and the practice across several days!

So, today – can you learn 4 verbs? Sure!
Tomorrow – can you learn 2 verbs? Of course!
The day after tomorrow – can you learn 2 more? No problem!
And the day after that – just 2 more and you are did it!
Here is a simple game to help you


*If you like to see upfront what the verb challenge consists of – here is a chart for you:

LESSON 9 (GROUP III) - 10 verbs
LESSON 10 (GROUP III) - 6+1 verbs
LESSON 11 ---special lesson!--- (no new verbs to learn!)
LESSON 12 (GROUP IV) - 6 verbs
LESSON 13 (GROUP V) - 7+1 verbs
LESSON 14 (GROUP VI) - 3 verbs

So, you see – this lesson has the longest list! Just make sure you learn this one properly – and you know how to tackle the rest!

Back to top
Hey! The reading page today
has a cute picture on it!
Hey! The reading page today has a cute picture on it!
If you want more practice -
try back translations.
And NOW -
to the familiar Practice section!
And NOW -
to the familiar Practice section!
Practice Section Aid
Look at all the words without the translations.
Do you remember them?
Make sure you do - you will need them!
Now, let's make a pause and "distract" you for a fun project.

Why is that? Because at this stage you must make a break and let your brain assimilate what you've learnt. How do we do it? The answer is simple – by interacting with more fun, engaging and immersive materials. Give your brain some time. And of course – read more! "But what can we read? We know so little! – you may say. Well, that's why I've prepared a "Guess the movie" e-book for you!

Read the first "volume" now (5 short and easy texts with audio, pictures and more!) and guess which movie they are about!

In this book you will encounter new words that are not part of the course – and it's ok! Time to go beyond the safe boundaries of our course vocabulary – be brave! ;) Google! ;) In terms of grammar – I promise that there is only what we know, only present tense and verbs only from groups I-II-III.
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Don't miss the bonus!
Click the red button below!
Done with this lesson? Click here to get a bonus!
Click here to get a bonus!
External Links
Hebrew songs
If you liked the song in the previous lesson,
you are probably asking yourself now "where can I listen to more Israeli songs?"

Here are some links to Israeli songs collections.

In the meanwhile these are just for listening, for being exposed to the familiar words, etc. Later on, when you feel ready, come back to these links! These are good selections for learners, pick the song you like and try to understand the lines!

(this site is worth exploring! Especially the podcast.)

(I recommend using this site after the course is over)

(Russian site, but these songs are really well selected, and easy to understand! Listen now, and listen again after the course is over –you will be understanding more and more!)
How do you like the course so far?